Friday, July 16, 2010

Day One: Introduce Yourself

That's a semi-recent pictuer of me and my sister I'm the younger one. My name is Lexie (insert middle and last name) My real name is Alexa.

-I'm American but I'm also Slovak, Italian, and also Polish. I know a little Slovak. I'm learning some now.

-I live in Virginia

-I'm 12 and I'll be 13 in June. I like school but not in the nerdy way. I'm semi-good at school

-I'm pale now but further down in the summer I get a good tan that last till next summer

-I'm lazy, I don't procrastinate that much because I finished things pretty quickly and if I don't do it soon then I forget about it till the last second.

-I get high-lights alot just because I like them. The last time I got them done they didn't show up very well.

-I don't eat that much I may have some snacks but not that much. I like goldfish the most. I eat some food at meals but not alot.

-I like Country music the best. But not Taylor Swift. I like Luke Bryan and the Band Perry. I have a semi-mixed like of music I like pretty much any kind jsut mostly country. My favorite songs right now are I Miss You by The Summer Obssesion and Do I by Luke Bryan.

-I have 1 brother, Donny, who's 21 almost 22, he's 10 years older then me. I also have a sister, Jackie, who's 19 she's 7 years older then me. I like my brother more.

-I don't shop very much and even when I do I don't spend much I save most of my money.

-I'm normal height. Well actually a little short I'm usally in the back of the line when we go in height order for pictures.

-I'm not very mature except when I have to be. I joke around alot and if I get annoyed I get really rude.

-I don't play any instruments next year I will play guitar next year, but this year I don't play any.

-I want to be famous but not alot. I can sing and I can act very well. But I don't really give alot of passion to become famous.

-Most people at school who don't know me think that I'm a bad person, stupid, person with no friends. But those are not true well maybe the bad person. But were talking about differnet kind of bad. I am not the best influnce, but I'm really fun to be around. I can convice my friends to do bad things, but I'm there for them if they get caught. I mostly get out of all of my trouble no matter what it is. I have fun no matter where I am.

-My friends and I are funny, sometimes loud, and sometimes we get into trouble. I mostly become friends with quiet people at school. No one knows why since I'm so loud.

-I have a crush but no boyfriend because i'm still a little to young for one. But my crush is just like me.

-I like to hang out with guys more. I'm really close with my guy friends I tell them alot of my secrets that of course don't invovle other guys.

-I spread alot of gossip but lay low I usally only tell it to my friends and no one else. But it gets around.

-I change my phone signature alot it's mostly a sentence that I like but forget easly right now its "Boom Roasted" which is like psych

-I say Like alot.


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